Our actions largely
relate ourselves with the social environment we are part of. Facebook status
and photo update, no exceptions; somehow are reflection of the thought circle a
society possess and may not truly reflect individual's own idea of things.
Irony is that social
media somehow have the ways to control how one feels about other person. That
is why personal profiling on web has become so important these days. Personal
profiling involves manipulation of your characteristics to a certain degree and
we can safely assume that its target is to control the way audience perceives
A largely expressive
society of facebook enthusiasts might contains bunch of super freak people who
would love to post the pictures of first date before it actually happened
(unfortunately we can't foresee our future) and the excitement culminates only
with the comments and like you get. The more like and comments you get, better
you feel. The mushy-mushy feeling of Love is lost in excitement and
anticipation of facebook comments. No doubt facebook is doing wonders but do we
really want to see this?
Sometimes it comes as a
booster for a weary soul. I wonder if there are actually cases where a pain in
heart kinda breakup turned into a simple “Move on" just by observing the
number of likes and comment you got on your recent profile picture. That
clearly is an example whereby actual human interactions are replaced by virtual
presence of human in form of online media profile.
With the increase penetration
of social media, changing lifestyle and personal interactions are eventually
being replaced with social media hangouts.
While the social media applications offer a fast track and easy option
to remain connected and exchange ideas, it is yet to be seen if it would bring
a radical change to the idea of social gathering and interactions.
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