I really don't get that idea of bonus even if i have been living by that for most of my employment history.As an employee, it hardly makes a sense to me to be promised a sum of future money for what is my regular duty.Not that I dont like additional money , I want that additional money paid as my fixed monthly incumbments. Somewhere in my mind there is an idea that tells me that Bonus is a form of suspicion that certain individual or company may not perform it's duty so let's cover our risks.
I must say that to my own standards I am exceptional at performing my duties and its only my boss who fail to recognize my efforts. Sometimes he is the one who belittle my performance to save his own Ass. Having said that, its not unusual for my peers to put me in a category of people who get those grades which put an impressive claim on all Bonus.
Conversely , from an employers perspective this seems true to me.If I ever had a chance to run a company and deciding over the wages of those who agree to work with, I would not be happy in a ridiculous position where baby has been given a candy and you'll have to face difficulties in getting it out. But there are feeble chances of me being running a company and when my prospective employees read this article , those feeble chances will also be mowed down.
..... more to come
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